Yeast; a forum for yeast researchers. Chichester, New York, NY, etc. Vol. 1+, 1985+. Yeast (Chichester). ISSN 0749-503X HI 72745 |
Yeast (Chichester). |
Yeast; dried yeast and their derivatives. St. Louis, MO, Davis, CA. Vol. 1+, 1950+. Yeast (St. Louis). HI 58229 |
Yeast (St. Louis). |
Yeast. New York, NY. Vol. 1+, 1985+. Yeast (New York). HI 58235 |
Yeast (New York). |
Yedeoth; proceedings of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Rehovoth. Tel Aviv. 1926–39. Yedeoth. HI 58239 |
Yedeoth. |
Yellow dragon. Hong Kong. Vol. 1+, 1899+. Yellow Dragon. HI 60684 |
Yellow Dragon. |
Yellow Sea research; the journal of International Society of Yellow Sea Research. Incheon. Vol. 1+, 1995+. Yellow Sea Res. HI 81173 |
Yellow Sea Res. |
Yellowstone nature notes. Yellowstone Park, WY. [Vols. and dates not ascertained.] Yellowstone Nat. Notes. HI 60685 |
Yellowstone Nat. Notes. |
Yetmag. London. 1977+. Yetmag. Preceded by: Bulletin, Young Explorers’ Trust and Newsletter, Young Explorers’ Trust. HI 58243 |
Yetmag. |
Yillik bülteni, Kavak ve Hizli Gelişen Yabanci tur Orman Agaclari Araştirma Enstitüsü. Izmir. No. 8+, 1973+. Yillik Bült. Kavak Hizli Gelişen Yabanci Orman Agacl. Araşt. Enst. Preceded by: Yillik bülteni. Kavakçilik Araştirma Enstitüsü. Izmir. HI 58088 |
Yillik Bült. Kavak Hizli Geli?en Yabanci Orman Agacl. Ara?t. Enst. |
Yillik bülteni, Kavakçilik Araştirma Enstitüsü. Izmir. Vols. 1–7, 1966–72. Yillik Bült. Kavakç. Araşt. Enst. Superseded by: Yillik bülteni, Kavak ve Hizli Gelişen Yabanci tur Orman Agaclari Araştirma Enstitüsü. Izmir. HI 72787 |
Yillik Bült. Kavakç. Ara?t. Enst. |
Ymer; Tidskrift utg. av Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi. Stockholm. Vol. 1+, (1881+), 1882+. Ymer. ULS 5-4578-1. HI 60686 |
Ymer. |
Yongu pogo. Kwanak sumokwon. Suwin. No. 1+, 1976+. Yongu Pogo, Kwanak Sumokwon. HI 58254 |
Yongu Pogo, Kwanak Sumokwon. |
Yorkshire cactus journal. Bradford. Vol. 1(1–2), 1946. Yorkshire Cact. J. ULS 4-2850-1. HI 60687 |
Yorkshire Cact. J. |
Yorkshire naturalists’ recorder. Manchester. Nos. 1–14, 1872–73. Yorkshire Naturalists’ Rec. ULS 5-4579-2. HI 60688 |
Yorkshire Naturalists' Rec. |
Your environment. London. Vols. 1–4(2), 1970–73. Your Environm. HI 58255 |
Your Environm. |
Your garden and home. Toronto, Ont. Vols. 1–5, 1947–51. Your Gard. Home. Preceded by: Canadian horticulture and home magazine. Floral edition. Toronto, Ont. ULS 5-4583-3. HI 60689 |
Your Gard. Home. |
Your public lands. Washington, DC. Vol. 31(4)+, 1981+. Your Public Lands. Preceded by: Our public lands. Washington, DC. HI 58257 |
Your Public Lands. |
Youth and science [Sh’ing nien k’o hsüeh]. Chungking. Youth & Sci. HI 60690 |
Youth & Sci. |
Yüksek ziraat enstitüsü dergisi. Ankara. 1939+. Yüks. Zir. Enst. Derg. HI 71162 |
Yüks. Zir. Enst. Derg. |
Yüksek ziraat enstitüsü, çalişmalari. Ankara. Nos. 1–153, 1934–48. Yüks. Zir. Enst. Çalişm. HI 69589 |
Yüks. Zir. Enst. Çali?m. |
Yunnan agricultural science and technology. Kunming. Vol. 1+, 1972+. Yunnan Agric. Sci. Technol. HI 76680 |
Yunnan Agric. Sci. Technol. |
Yunnan industrial news [Yun nan shih yeh tung hsin]. Kunming. Vol. 1+, 1940+. Yunnan Industr. News. HI 60691 |
Yunnan Industr. News. |
Yunnania. Kunming? Vol. 1+, 1945+. Yunnania. HI 60692 |
Yunnania. |
Yushania; a biological journal publ. by the Biological Society of Tunghai University. Taichung. Vols. 1–11, 1984–94. Yushania. HI 58273 |
Yushania. |
Z A G Wasserpflanzen A M. Weimar. ?–1983+. Z. A. G. Wasserpflanzen A. M. Preceded by: Informationen Z A G Wasserpflanzen. Walterhausen, Bad Langensalza. HI 65507 |
Z. A. G. Wasserpflanzen A. M |