Yearbook of the Royal Society of London. London. No. 1+, (1896/97+), 1897+. Yearb. Roy. Soc. London. HI 74606 |
Yearb. Roy. Soc. London. |
Yearbook of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1884–1930. Yearb. Sci. Learned Soc. Gr. Brit. & Ireland. Superseded by: Official yearbook of the scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. London. ULS 5-3825-2. HI 74888 |
Yearb. Sci. Learned. Soc. Great Britain & Ireland. |
Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. (1894–1922), 1895–1923. Yearb. U.S. Dept. Agric. Previously published in: Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture [of the United States of America]. Washington, DC. Superseded by: Agricultural yearbook, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. HI 67399 |
Yearb. U.S. Dept. Agric. |
Yearbook of therapeutics, pharmacy and allied science. New York, NY. Vols. 1–2, 1871–? Yearb. Therap. Pharm. Allied Sci. Superseded by: New remedies. New York, NY. ULS 1-213-1. HI 77414 |
Yearb. Therap. Pharm. Allied Sci. |
Yearbook, British Pelargonium and Geranium Society. Beckenham. Nos. 10–?, 1965–94. Yearb. Brit. Pelargonium Geranium Soc. Preceded by: Geranium year book. Hitchin, London. HI 70390 |
Yearb. Brit. Pelargonium Geranium Soc. |
Yearbook, California Macadamia Society. Carlsbad, CA. Vol. 1+, 1955+. Yearb. Calif. Macadamia Soc. ISSN 0068-5720 HI 53192 |
Yearb. Calif. Macadamia Soc. |
Yearbook, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, DC. Vol. 1+, (1902+), 1903+. Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Washington. ULS 2-935-1. ISSN 0069-066X HI 53249 |
Yearb. Carnegie Inst. Wash. |
Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara. Ankara. 1958–73. Yearb. Fac. Agric. Univ. Ankara. HI 74583 |
Yearb. Fac. Agric. Univ. Ankara. |
Yearbook, Genetical Society. London. 1946+. Yearb. Genet. Soc. HI 74586 |
Yearb. Genet. Soc. |
Yearbook, Indian National Science Academy. New Delhi. 1970+. Yearb. Indian Natl. Sci. Acad. Preceded by: Yearbook, National Institute of Sciences of India. New Delhi. HI 74588 |
Yearb. Indian Natl. Sci. Acad. |
Yearbook, International Society for Tropical Ecology. Varanasi. 1967+. Yearb. Int. Soc. Trop. Ecol. HI 74589 |
Yearb. Int. Soc. Trop. Ecol. |
Yearbook, International Society of Plant Morphologists. Delhi. 1962+. Yearb. Int. Soc. Pl. Morphol. HI 69612 |
Yearb. Int. Soc. Pl. Morphol. |
Yearbook, National Auricula and Primula Society, Northern Section. Norden. 1957+. Yearb. Natl. Auricula Primula Soc. N. Sect. Preceded by: Yearbook, National Auricula Society, Northern Section. Norden. HI 74592 |
Yearb. Natl. Auricula Primula Soc. N. Sect. |
Yearbook, National Auricula and Primula Society, Southern Section. London. 1957+. Yearb. Natl. Auricula Primula Soc. S. Sect. HI 74593 |
Yearb. Natl. Auricula Primula Soc. S. Sect. |
Yearbook, National Auricula Society, Northern Section. Norden. 1946?–56. Yearb. Natl. Auricula Soc. N. Sect. Superseded by: Yearbook, National Auricula and Primula Society, Northern Section. Norden. HI 74594 |
Yearb. Natl. Auricula Soc. N. Sect. |
Yearbook, National Institute of Sciences of India. New Delhi. 1960–69. Yearb. Natl. Inst. Sci. India. Superseded by: Yearbook, Indian National Science Academy. New Delhi. HI 74596 |
Yearb. Natl. Inst. Sci. India. |
Yearbook, New York Microscopical Society. New York, NY. 1952+. Yearb. New York Microscop. Soc. HI 74597 |
Yearb. New York Microscop. Soc. |
Yearbook, North American Lily Society. Indianapolis, IN. Vol. 1+, (1947/48+), 1948?+. Yearb. N. Amer. Lily Soc. HI 74598 |
Yearb. N. Amer. Lily Soc. |
Yearbook, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Philadelphia, PA. ?–1926–76+. Yearb. Pennsylvania Hort. Soc. HI 74600 |
Yearb. Pennsylvania Hort. Soc. |
Yearbook, Plant Research International. Wageningen. Vol. 1+, 2000+. Yearb. Pl. Res. Int. Preceded by: Jaarverslag, Centrum voor Plantenveredelings- en Reproduktieonderzoek. Wageningen; Jaarverslag, Instituut voor Agrarbiologisch en Bodemvruchtbaarheidsonderzoek. Wageningen; and Jaarverslag, Instituut voor Plantenziektenkundig Onderzoek. Wageningen. HI 83541 |
T.ap Chí Sinh Vât D.ia H.oc. |
Yearbook, Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland. ?–1965+. Yearb. Roy. Hort. Soc. Ireland. HI 74605 |
Yearb. Roy. Hort. Soc. Ireland. |
Yearbook, Scottish Rock Garden Club. Edinburgh. 1950+. Yearb. Scott. Rock Gard. Club. HI 74607 |
Yearb. Scott. Rock Gard. Club. |
Yearbook, Washington Daffodil Society. Washington, DC. 1955+. Yearb. Washington Daffodil Soc. HI 60534 |
Yearb. Wash. Daffodil Soc. |
Yearbook, West Australian Nutgrowing Society. Subiaco, W.A. Vol. 1+, 1975+. Yearb. W. Austral. Nutgrow. Soc. HI 70512 |
Yearb. W. Austral. Nutgrow. Soc. |
Yearbook, Worcestershire Nature Conservation Trust. Worcester. 1972. Yearb. Worcestershire Nat. Conservation Trust. Superseded by: Journal of the Worcestershire Nature Conservation Trust. Worcester. HI 59346 |
Yearb. Worcestershire Nat. Conservation Trust. |