Bulletin of marine science. Coral Gables, Miami, FL. Vol. 15+, 1965+. Bull. Mar. Sci. Preceded by: Bulletin of marine science of the Gulf and Caribbean. Coral Gables, Miami, FL. ISSN 0007-4977 HI 63327 |
Bull. Mar. Sci. |
Bulletin of Massachusetts natural history. Amherst, MA. Vol. 1(1–4), 1884. Bull. Mass. Nat. Hist. ULS 1-841-1. HI 52859 |
Bull. Mass. Nat. Hist. |
Bulletin of mathematical biology; a journal devoted to research at the interface of theoretical and experimental biology. Oxford, Elmsford, NY, etc. Vols. 35–?, 1973–? Bull. Math. Biol. Preceded by: Bulletin of mathematical biophysics. Chicago, IL. ISSN 0092-8240 HI 63330 |
Bull. Math. Biol. |
Bulletin of mathematical biophysics. Chicago, IL. Vols. 1–34, 1939–72. Bull. Math. Biophys. Superseded by: Bulletin of mathematical biology. Oxford, Elmsford, NY, etc. HI 63331 |
Bull. Math. Biophys. |
Bulletin of medico-ethno-botanical research. New Delhi. Vol. 1+, 1980+. Bull. Med.-Ethno-Bot. Res. HI 63332 |
Bull. Med.-Ethno-Bot. Res. |
Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Botanic Garden, Grenada. St. George’s. Nos. 1–36, 1891–93. Bull. Misc. Inform. Bot. Gard. Grenada. Preceded by: Grenada agricultural botanical bulletin. St. George’s. HI 63358 |
Bull. Misc. Inform. Bot. Gard. Grenada. |
Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Botanical Department, Trinidad. Trinidad. Vols. 4–8, 1899–1908 [also numbered 18–24, n.s., nos. 1–60]. Bull. Misc. Inform. Bot. Dept., Trinidad. Preceded by: Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. Port-of-Spain. Superseded by: Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Department of Agriculture, Imperial College of Agriculture, Trinidad. Saint Augustine, Port-of-Spain. HI 52879 |
Bull. Misc. Inform. Bot. Dept., Trinidad. |
Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Department of Agriculture, Trinidad. Saint Augustine, Port-of-Spain. Vols. 9–12, 1909–13 [also numbered 61–76]. Bull. Misc. Inform. Dept. Agric. Preceded by: Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Botanical Department, Trinidad. Trinidad. Superseded by: Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Trinidad and Tobago. Port-of-Spain. HI 63359 |
Bull. Misc. Inform. Dept. Agric. Imp. Coll. Agric. |
Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Royal Botanic Gardens, Trinidad. Port-of-Spain. Nos. 1–17, 1888–98 [also numbered vols. 1–3(9)]. Bull. Misc. Inform. Roy. Bot. Gard. Trinidad. Superseded by: Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Botanical Department, Trinidad. Trinidad. HI 63360 |
Bull. Misc. Inform. Roy. Bot. Gard. Trinidad. |
Bulletin of miscellaneous information, Royal Gardens, Kew. Kew. 1887–1942; additional series, vols. 1–10, 1898–1912. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. Superseded by: Kew bulletin. Kew. ULS 3-2284-1. HI 63361 |
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. |
Bulletin of moss flora of arctic North America and Greenland. Copenhagen. No. 1+, 1981+. Bull. Moss Fl. Arctic N. Amer. Greenland. HI 63365 |
Bull. Moss Fl. Arctic N. Amer. Greenland. |
Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Series B, natural sciences [Nara kyoiku daigaku kiyo shizen kagaku]. Nara. Vol. 15+, 1967+. Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., B. Preceded by: Journal of Nara Gakugei University. Nara. HI 63391 |
Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., B. |
Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Agriculture [Nung chuan hsüeh pao]. Pingtung. Vol. 1+, 1958+. Bull. Natl. Pingtung Inst. Agric. HI 63408 |
Bull. Natl. Pingtung Inst. Agric. |
Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture [Yoshoku kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku]. Niigata, Mie. Nos. 1–30, 1980–2000; Supplement, no. 1, 1994; no. 1, 1999; no. 2, 1996; no. 3, 1997; no. 5, 2001. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquac., Niigata. Preceded by: Bulletin of Freshwater Fisheries Research Laboratory. Tokyo. Incorporated in: Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency [not entered]. ISSN 0389-5858 HI 63410 |
Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquac., Niigata. |
Bulletin of New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Albany, NY. Nos. 1–267?, 1894–1932? Bull. New York State Dept. Agric. Markets. ULS 4-3041-1. HI 77611 |
Bull. New York Dept. Agric. Markets. |
Bulletin of Nippon Dental College, general education. Tokyo. Nos. 1–4, 1972–75. Bull. Nippon Dental Coll., Gen. Educ. Superseded by: Bulletin of Nippon Dental University. Tokyo. HI 63441 |
Bull. Nippon Dental Coll., Gen. Educ. |
Bulletin of Nippon Dental University. Tokyo. No. 5+, 1976+. Bull. Nippon Dental Univ. Preceded by: Bulletin of Nippon Dental College, general education. Tokyo. HI 63442 |
Bull. Nippon Dental Univ. |
Bulletin of Okayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station [Okayama-kenritsu nogyo shikenjo gyomu kotel]. Okayama. Vol. 1+, 1911+. Bull. Okayama Pref. Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 52921 |
Bull. Okayama Prefect. Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of peony news. Clinton, NY. Nos. 1–21, 1915–24. Bull. Peony News. Superseded by: Bulletin, American Peony Society. Clinton, NY [etc.]. ULS 1-297-3. HI 52929 |
Bull. Peony News. |
Bulletin of plant galls. Leyburn. No. 1+, 1984+. Bull. Pl. Galls. HI 63472 |
Bull. Pl. Galls. |
Bulletin of popular information, Arnold Arboretum Harvard University. Jamaica Plain, MA. Nos. 1–63, 1911–14; n.s., vols. 1–12, 1915–26; ser. 3, vols. 1–6, 1927–32; ser. 4, vols. 1–8, 1933–40. Bull. Popular Inform. Arnold Arbor. ULS 3-1809-3. HI 52934 |
Bull. Popular Inform. Arnold Arbor. |
Bulletin of popular information, Morton Arboretum. Lisle, IL. Vol. 1+, 1925+. Bull. Popular Inform. Morton Arbor. ULS 3-2762-3. HI 52933 |
Bull. Popular Inform. Morton Arbor. |
Bulletin of pure and applied sciences, Modinagar. Sect. B, plant science; an international research journal of science. Modinagar. Vol. 2+, 1983+. Bull. Pure Appl. Sci., Modinagar, B. Preceded by: Bulletin of pure and applied sciences. Modinagar. HI 63478 |
Bull. Pure Appl. Sci., Modinagar, B. |
Bulletin of pure and applied sciences; an international research journal of science. Modinagar. Vol. 1(1–2), 1982. Bull. Pure Appl. Sci., Modinagar. Superseded by: Bulletin of pure and applied sciences, Modinagar. Sect. B. plant science. Modinagar. HI 63477 |
Bull. Pure Appl. Sci., Modinagar. |
Bulletin of Pusan Fisheries College [Pusan Susan Taehak yongu poko]. Pusan. 1956+. Bull. Pusan Fish. Coll. HI 52939 |
Bull. Pusan Fish. Coll. |