Bulletin of Chinese studies [Chung kuo wên hua yen chini hui kan]. Chengtu. Vols. 1–8, 1941–48. Bull. Chin. Stud. ULS 2-1047-1. HI 52680 |
Bull. Chin. Stud. |
Bulletin of Chinese traditional and herbal drugs [Chung tsao yao t’ung hsun]. Tianjin. Vols. 1–10, 1970–79 [had no Western title]. Bull. Chin. Tradit. Herbal Drugs. Superseded by: Chinese traditional and herbal drugs. Tianjin (?Shao-yang). HI 76480 |
Bull. Chin. Tradit. Herbal Drugs. |
Bulletin of Department of Biology, College of Science, Sun Yatsen University [Kuo li chung shan ta hsüeh li k’o shêng hse ts’ung k’an]. Canton. Nos. 2–12?, 1929–31? Bull. Dept. Biol. Coll. Sci. Sun Yatsen Univ. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Biological Department, Science College, Sun Yatsen University. Canton. ULS 5-4113-2. HI 52715 |
Bull. Dept. Biol. Coll. Sci. Sun Yatsen Univ. |
Bulletin of entomological research. London. Vol. 1+, 1910+. Bull. Entomol. Res. ULS 1-840-2. ISSN 0007-4853 HI 63116 |
Bull. Entomol. Res. |
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. New York, NY. Vol. 1+, 1966+. Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. ISSN 0007-4861 HI 80528 |
Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. |
Bulletin of foreign plant introductions, United States Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. Nos. 6–86, 1908–13. Bull. Foreign Pl. Introd. U.S.D.A. Preceded by: Notes from the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction. Washington, DC. Superseded by: Plant immigrants, U S Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC. HI 60213 |
Bull. Foreign Pl. Introd. U.S.D.A. |
Bulletin of forest plant research. Chengdu. 1984–1990+. [“A restricted publication.” Chen.] Bull. Forest Pl. Res. HI 75265 |
Bull. Forest Pl. Res. |
Bulletin of Freshwater Fisheries Research Laboratory. Tokyo. Vols. 1–28(55), 1952–78. Bull. Freshwater Fish. Res. Lab. Superseded by: Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture. Niigata, Mie. ISSN 0049-4054 HI 83530 |
Bull. Freshwater Fish. Res. Lab. |
Bulletin of Fukui Prefecture Agricultural Experiment Station [Fukui-ken Nogyo Shikenjo hokoku]. Fukui. Vol. 1+, 1964+. Bull. Fukui Pref. Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 52751 |
Bull. Fukui Prefect. Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Fukuoka Prefectural Forest Experiment Station [Fukuoka-ken ringyo shikenjo jiho]. Kuroki. Nos. ?–?, 1946–? Bull. Fukuoka Pref. Forest Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Bulletin of the Fukuoka Prefecture Forest Research and Extension Center [not entered]. HI 63186 |
Bull. Fukuoka Pref. Forest Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of genetics. Beijing. 1970–74? Bull. Genet. (Beijing). Preceded by: Genetica Sinica. Beijing. Superseded by: Acta genetica Sinica [Yichuan xuebao]. Peking (Beijing). HI 76481 |
Bull. Genet. (Beijing). |
Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural Experiment Station [Hiroshima-Kenritsu Nogyo Shikenjo hokoku]. Hiroshima. Vols. 1–?, 1951–? Bull. Hiroshima Pref. Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Bulletin of Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center. ?Hiroshima [not entered]. ISSN 0439-1799 HI 52777 |
Bull. Hiroshima Prefect. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of immediate information, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven, CT. Nos. 1–67, 1906–30? Bull. Immed. Inform. Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Circular, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven, CT. HI 76382 |
Bull. Immed. Inform. Connecticut Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization; a quarterly list. New Delhi. Vols. 1–2, 1974–76. Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz. Superseded by: Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. Series A, current literature on medicinal and aromatic plants. New Delhi and Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. Series B, current literature on raw materials other than medicinal and aromatic plants. New Delhi. HI 63229 |
Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz. |
Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. Series A, current literature on medicinal and aromatic plants. New Delhi. Vols. 3A–4A, 1977–78. Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz., A. Preceded by: Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. A quarterly list. New Delhi. Superseded by: Medicinal and aromatic plants abstracts. New Delhi. HI 63230 |
Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz., A. |
Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. Series B, current literature on raw materials other than medicinal and aromatic plants. New Delhi. Vol. 3B+, 1977+. Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz., B. Preceded by: Bulletin of Indian raw materials and their utilization. A quarterly list. New Delhi. HI 81149 |
Bull. Indian Raw Mater. Utiliz., B. |
Bulletin of information, Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station. State College, PA. Nos. 1–2, 1896–97. Bull. Inform. Pennsylvania Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 57866 |
Bull. Inform.Pennsylvania Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Institute of Natural Education in Shiga Heights [Shiga shizen kyoiku kenkyu shisetsu kenkyu gyoshi]. Nagano. No. 5+, 1966+. Bull. Inst. Nat. Educ. Shiga Heights. Preceded by: Bulletin of the Institute of Biology in Shiga Heights. Nagano. HI 63262 |
Bull. Inst. Nat. Educ. Shiga Heights. |
Bulletin of Japanese Association of Benthology [Nihon bentosu kenkyukai shi]. No. 21/22+, 1981+. Bull. Jap. Assoc. Benthol. HI 63284 |
Bull. Jap. Assoc. Benthol. |
Bulletin of Kagawa Agricultural Experiment Station [Kagawa-ken nogyo shikenjo kenkyu hokoku]. Kagawa. Vol. 1+, 1954+. Bull. Kagawa Agric. Exp. Sta. HI 52830 |
Bull. Kagawa Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Kanagawa Agricultural Experiment Station [Kanagawa-ken nogyo shikenjo kenkyu hokoku]. Kamakura. Nos. 1–107, 1962–68. Bull. Kanagawa Agric. Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Bulletin of the Agricultural Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture. Kamakura. HI 63292 |
Bull. Kanagawa Agric. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Kanagawa Horticultural Experiment Station [Kanagawa-ken engei shikenjo kenkyu hokoku]. Kamakura. No. 10+, 1962+. Bull. Kanagawa Hort. Exp. Sta. Preceded by: Bulletin, Horticultural Section, Kanagawa-ken Agricultural Experiment Station. Kanagawa. ISSN 0374-8731 HI 63294 |
Bull. Kanagawa Hort. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute [Hainyan nyenguso sobo]. Seoul. Vol. 3+, 1981+. Bull. Korea Ocean Res. Developm. Inst. Preceded by: Haeyang Kaebal Yonguso sobo. Seoul. HI 63304 |
Bull. Korea Ocean Res. Developm. Inst. |
Bulletin of Korea plant research. Seoul. No. 1+, 2000+. Bull. Korea Pl. Res. HI 83664 |
Bull. Korea Pl. Res. |
Bulletin of marine science of the Gulf and Caribbean. Coral Gables, FL. Vols. 1–14, 1951–64. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean. Superseded by: Bulletin of marine science. Coral Gables, Miami, FL. HI 63328 |
Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribbean. |