Bulletin mensuel, Société des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de la Basse-Alsace. Strasbourg. Vols. 17–47, 1883–1913. Bull. Mens. Soc. Sci. Basse-Alsace. Preceded by: Bulletin trimestriel, Société des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de la Basse-Alsace. Strasbourg. ULS 5-3929-3. HI 59478 |
Bull. Mens. Soc. Sci. Basse-Alsace. |
Bulletin mensuel, Société Royale les Naturalistes de Mons et du Borinage. Mons. Vols. 39(5)–45(4), 1956–62. Bull. Mens. Soc. Roy. Naturalistes Mons & Borinage. Preceded by: Bulletin mensuel, les Naturalistes de Mons et du Borinage. Mons. Superseded by: Bulletin de la Société Royale les Naturalistes de Mons et du Borinage. Mons. HI 63341 |
Bull. Mens. Soc. Roy. Naturalistes Mons & Borinage. |
Bulletin Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, école pratique des hautes études. Papeete. ?–1980+. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. École Prat. Hautes Études. HI 63373 |
Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. École Prat. Hautes Études. |
Bulletin O E P P; Organisation Européenne et Mediterranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes. Paris. N.s., vols. 1(1)–2(10), 1971/72–72/73. Bull. O. E. P. P. Preceded by: Publications, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation. Series A, reports of technical working parties and conferences. Paris. HI 63447 |
Bull. O. E. P. P. |
Bulletin of agri-horticulture. Singapore. Vol. 1+, 1965+. Bull. Agri-Hort. HI 62901 |
Bull. Agri-Hort. |
Bulletin of agricultural research [Shih yen pao kao]. Taichung. 1972+. Bull. Agric. Res. (Taichung). HI 76474 |
Bull. Agric. Res. (Taichung). |
Bulletin of agricultural science and technology [Nongye keji tongxun]. Beijing. 1981+. Bull. Agric. Sci. Technol., Beijing. HI 84052 |
Bull. Agric. Sci. Technol., Beijing. |
Bulletin of agriculture and forestry [Nung lin hui pao]. Nos. ?–346–?, ?–1934–? Bull. Agric. Forest. HI 52583 |
Bull. Agric. Forest. |
Bulletin of Aichi Horticultural Experiment Station [Aichi-ken engei shikenjo kenkyu hokoku]. Aichi. Vols. 1–6, 1960–67. Bull. Aichi Hort. Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Research bulletin of the Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center. Series A, field crops. Aichi and Research bulletin of the Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center. Series B, horticulture. Aichi. HI 62904 |
Bull. Aichi Hort. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of American garden history. New York, NY. Vol. 1+, 1986+. Bull. Amer. Gard. Hist. HI 62913 |
Bull. Amer. Gard. Hist. |
Bulletin of aquatic biology. Amsterdam. Vols. 1(1)–3(35), 1957–67. Bull. Aquatic Biol. HI 62919 |
Bull. Aquatic Biol. |
Bulletin of Arts and Science Division, Ryukyu University [Ryukyu daigaku bunrui gakubu kiyo]. Naha, Okinawa. Vol. 1+, 1957+. Bull. Arts Sci. Div. Ryukyu Univ. HI 52621 |
Bull. Arts Sci. Div. Ryukyu Univ. |
Bulletin of basic science research. Cincinnati, OH. ?Ser. 4, vols. 1–5, 1926–33. Bull. Basic Sci. Res. ULS 2-1055-1. HI 52632 |
Bull. Basic Sci. Res. |
Bulletin of biological assessment. Washington, DC. No. 15, 1999. Bull. Biol. Assessm. Preceded and superseded by: R A P bulletin of biological assessment. Washington, DC. HI 84054 |
Bull. Biol. Assessm. |
Bulletin of biological research. Taiyuan. Vols. 1–2, 1983–84. [“A restricted publication.” Chen.] Bull. Biol. Res. (Taiyuan). Preceded by: Shanxi biological science [not entered]. HI 76475 |
Bull. Biol. Res. (Taiyuan). |
Bulletin of biology [Shêng wu hsüeh t’ung pao]. Peking (Beijing). 1952+ [vols. for 1952–82 had no Western title]. Bull. Biol. (Peking). Preceded by: Journal of the Botanical Society of China. Peiping (Beijing). HI 52086 |
Bull. Biol. (Peking). |
Bulletin of Botanical Garden, Beijing. Beijing. 1975–78. [“A restricted publication.” Chen.] Bull. Bot. Gard. Beijing. HI 76476 |
Bull. Bot. Gard. Beijing. |
Bulletin of Botanical Laboratory of North-Eastern Forestry Institute [Chih wu yen chiu shih hui kan]. Harbin. Nos. 4–9, 1979–80. Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. Preceded by: Bulletin of the herbarium of the North-Eastern Forestry Academy [Tung pei lin hsüeh yuan chih wu piao pen shih hui ken]. Harbin. Superseded by: Bulletin of botanical research. Harbin. ISSN none HI 62964 |
Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. |
Bulletin of botanical research [Zhiwu yanjiu]. Harbin. Vol. 1+, 1981+ [a spurious issue of vol. 14(1), 1994 exists, paginated 1–118, with papers by Xie Hang and others, commencing with "new taxa of Saxifragaceae from N E China;" the regular issue is paginated 329+]. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. Preceded by: Bulletin of Botanical Laboratory of North-Eastern Forestry Institute. Harbin. ISSN 1000-1042 HI 62965 |
Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. |
Bulletin of botanical research, Guangxi. Guilin. 1975–78. [“A restricted publication.” Chen.] Bull. Bot. Res. Guangxi. HI 76477 |
Bull. Bot. Res. Guangxi. |
Bulletin of brewing science. Tokyo. Vol. 1+, 1955+. Bull. Brew. Sci. HI 52643 |
Bull. Brew. Sci. |
Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology. Calgary, Alta. Vol. 11+, 1964?+. Bull. Canad. Petrol. Geol. Preceded by: Journal, Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists. Calgary, Alta. HI 52658 |
Bull. Canad. Petrol. Geol. |
Bulletin of Chekiang Provincial Fisheries Experiment Station. Tinghai. 1935–37? Bull. Chekiang Prov. Fish. Exp. Sta. HI 52674 |
Bull. Chekiang Prov. Fish. Exp. Sta. |
Bulletin of Chinese materia medica [Zhongyao tongbao]. Peking (Beijing). 1955–88. Bull. Chin. Mater. Med. Superseded by: China journal of Chinese materia medica. Peking (Beijing). ISSN 0254-0029 HI 63005 |
Bull. Chin. Mater. Med. |
Bulletin of Chinese pharmacy. ?Peking. 1943–48. Bull. Chin. Pharm. Preceded by: Journal of Chinese pharmacy. ?Peking. Superseded by: Acta pharmaceutica Sinica [Yao hsüeh hsüeh pao]. Peking (Beijing). HI 76478 |
Bull. Chin. Pharm. |