Australasian plant pathology. South Perth, W.A. Vol. 1+, 1972+. Australas. Pl. Pathol. Preceded by: Newsletter, Australian Plant Pathology Society. Sydney, N.S.W. ISSN 0815-3191 HI 62104 |
Australas. Pl. Pathol. |
Australasian studies in history and philosophy of science. Dordrecht, Boston, Hingham, MA. Vol. 1+, 1982+. Australas. Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. HI 80370 |
Australas. Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. |
Australian acacias. Canberra, A.C.T. 1975+. Austral. Acacias. HI 62105 |
Austral. Acacias. |
Australian and New Zealand rose annual. Melbourne, Vic. Vols. 16–36, 1943–63. Austral. New Zealand Rose Annual. Preceded by: Australian rose annual. Melbourne, Vic. Superseded by: Australian rose annual. Melbourne, Vic. and New Zealand rose annual. Wellington, N.Z. HI 62124 |
Austral. New Zealand Rose Annual. |
Australian and New Zealand wine industry journal. Adelaide, SA. Vol. 1(2), 1986+. Austral. New Zealand Wine Industr. J. Preceded by: Australian wine industry journal. Adelaide, SA. HI 82974 |
Austral. New Zealand Wine Industry J. |
Australian Bamboo Network newsletter. Marleny, Qld. No. 5, 6+, 1989+. Austral. Bamboo Network Newslett. Preceded by: Newsletter, the Bamboo Network, Aust. Rollands Plains, N.S.W. HI 76301 |
Austral. Bamboo Network Newslett. |
Australian canegrower. Brisbane, Qld. Vol. 1+, 1979+. Austral. Canegrower. HI 62106 |
Austral. Canegrower. |
Australian Conservation Foundation, newsletter. Eastwood, N.S.W. Vols. 1–19, 1967–87. Austral. Conservation Found. Newslett. Superseded by: C N; conservation news. Hawthorn, Vic. ISSN 0726-4151 HI 62107 |
Austral. Conservation Found. Newslett. |
Australian fern journal. Essendon, Vic. Vol. 1+, 1984+. Austral. Fern J. HI 62108 |
Austral. Fern J. |
Australian flora and fauna series. Canberra, A.C.T. No. 1+, 1984+. Austral. Fl. Fauna Ser. ISSN 0813-6726 HI 62109 |
Austral. Fl. Fauna Ser. |
Australian forest grower. South Yarra, Vic. Vol. 1+, 1978+. Austral. Forest Grower. ISSN 0156-448X HI 83657 |
Austral. Forest Grower. |
Australian forest research newsletter. Canberra, A.C.T. No. 4+, 1977+. Austral. Forest. Res. Newslett. Preceded by: C S I R O forestry research newsletter. Melbourne, Vic. HI 83553 |
Austral. Forest. Res. Newslett. |
Australian forest research. Canberra, A.C.T., East Melbourne, Vic. Vols. 1–17(3), 1964–87. Austral. Forest. Res. Preceded by: Forestry research notes, Forestry and Timber Bureau, Australia. Canberra, A.C.T. ISSN 0004-914X HI 51657 |
Austral. Forest. Res. |
Australian forest resources. Canberra, A.C.T. (1976+), 1977+. Austral. Forest Resources. Preceded by: Forest resources. Canberra, A.C.T. HI 62110 |
Austral. Forest Resources. |
Australian forestry journal. Sydney, N.S.W. Vols. 1–14(1), 1918–31. Austral. Forest. J. ULS 1-565-1. HI 51656 |
Austral. Forest. J. |
Australian forestry; journal of the Institute of Foresters of Australia. Melbourne, Vic., etc. Vol. 1+, 1936+. Austral. Forest. ISSN 0004-9158 HI 62111 |
Austral. Forest. |
Australian fruit grower and smallholder. Brisbane, Qld. Vols. 12–13(3), 1930–33. Austral. Fruit Grower Smallholder. Preceded by: New Australian fruitgrower. Brisbane, Qld. ULS 1-565-1. HI 51658 |
Austral. Fruit Grower Smallholder. |
Australian fruitgrower, fertiliser and poultry farmer. Brisbane, Qld. Vols. 7(9)–9(7), 1927–29. Austral. Fruitgrower. Preceded by: Nicko’s fruit journal. Brisbane, Qld. Superseded by: New Australian fruit grower. Brisbane, Qld. ULS 1-565-1. HI 51659 |
Austral. Fruitgrower. |
Australian garden and field. Adelaide, S.A. Vols. 33–46, 1907–20. Austral. Gard. Field. HI 51661 |
Austral. Gard. Field. |
Australian garden journal. Bowral, N.S.W. Vol. 2(7)+, 1983+. Austral. Gard. J. ?Preceded by: Journal of the Australian Garden History Society. Launceston, N.S.W. ISSN 0812-9495 HI 62112 |
Austral. Gard. J. |
Australian garden lover. Melbourne, Vic. Vol. 9+, 1934+. Austral. Gard. Lover. Preceded by: Garden lover. Melbourne, Vic. ULS 1-565-1. HI 51662 |
Austral. Gard. Lover. |
Australian gardener. Adelaide, S.A. Vols. 1–12(4), 1902–10. Austral. Gard. ULS 1-565-1. HI 51660 |
Austral. Gard. |
Australian geographer. Sydney, N.S.W. Vol. 1+, (1928/32+), 1932?+. Austral. Geogr. HI 62113 |
Austral. Geogr. |
Australian horticulture. North Melbourne, Vic. Vol. 79(6)+, 1981+. Austral. Hort. Preceded by: Seed and nursery trader of Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Vic. HI 62114 |
Austral. Hort. |
Australian journal of agricultural research. Melbourne, Vic. Vol. 1+, 1950+. Austral. J. Agric. Res. ISSN 0004-9409 HI 51664 |
Austral. J. Agric. Res. |