Pamphlet, Tea Research Institute of East Africa. Kericho, Nairobi. Nos. 1–24, 195?–? Pam. Tea Res. Inst. E. Africa. HI 69339 |
Pam. Tea Res. Inst. E. Africa. |
Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Hidrobiologi Arastirma Enstitusü yayinlarindan. Ser. B. Istanbul. Vols. 1–?, 1952–70; continued without series 1970+. Istanbul Üniv. Fen Fak. Hidrobiol. Arast. Enst. Yayinl., B. HI 66126 |
Istanbul Üniv. Fen Fak. Hidrobiol. Arast. Enst. Yayinl., B. |
Svenska Litteratur-föreningen; tidning. Uppsala. Vols. 1–6, 1833–38. Svenska Litt.-Fören. Tidn. ULS 5-4129-3. HI 59653 |
Svenska Litt.-Fören. Tidn. |
Transactions of the Liverpool Botanical Society. Liverpool. Vol. 1, 1909. Trans. Liverpool Bot. Soc. HI 73504 |
Trans. Liverpool Bot. Soc. |
Report (Annual), Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station. Newark, DE. 1888–1949. Rep. (Annual) Delaware Agric. Exp. Sta. Superseded by: Report (Annual), University of Delaware Agricultural Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station. Newark, DE. HI 70892 |
Rep. (Annual) Delaware Agric. Exp. Sta. |
H E A year book; Horticultural Education Association. Wye. Vols. 1–2, 1932–33. H. E. A. Year Book. Superseded by: Scientific horticulture. Wye. HI 65705 |
H. E. A. Year Book. |
Circular técnica, Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais. Piracicaba. No. ?-179-186+, 19??-91-98+. Circ. Técn. Inst. Pesquisas Estudos Florest. HI 80705 |
Circ. Técn. Inst. Pesquisas Estudos Florest. |
Godišnjak. Srpska Kraljevska Akademija. Belgrade. Vols. 7-50, (1893-1940), 1893–1941. God. Srpska Kral. Akad. Preceded by: Godišnyak. Srpska Uceno Drustvo. Belgrade. Superseded by: Godišnjak. Srpska Akademija Nauka. Belgrade. ULS 5-4054-3. HI 54528 |
God. Srpska Kral. Akad. |
Kobe plant protection and plant quarantine information. [Kobe shobubutsu boeki joho.] Kobe. No. 1+, 1954+. Kobe Pl. Protect. Pl. Quarant. Inform. ISSN 0386-040X HI 67094 |
Kobe Pl. Protect. Pl. Quarant. Inform. |
Skrifter, Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Kommissionen. Stockholm, Gothenberg. Vols. 1-7, (1901-20/22), 1903-23; n.s., Hydrografi, vols. 1(8)+, 1926+. Skr. Svenska Hydrogr.-Biol. Kommiss. HI 77393 |
Skr. Svenska Hydrogr.-Biol. Kommiss. |
Mitteilungen aus der lippischen Geschichte und Landeskunde. Detmold. Vols. 1-25, 1903-56 [publication suspended 1940-48]. Mitt. lipp. Gesch. Landesk. Superseded by: Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und Landeskunde. Detmold. HI 84544 |
Mitt. Lippischen Gesch. Landesk. |
Lippische Mitteilungen aus Geschichte und Landeskunde. Detmold. Vol. 26+, 1957+. Lippische Mitt. Gesch. Landesk. Preceded by: Mitteilungen aus der lippischen Geschichte und Landeskunde. Detmold. ISSN: 0342-0876; 0342-0876 HI 84545 |
Lippische Mitt. Gesch. Landesk. |
Promyshlennaia botanika. (Industrial botany.) Donetsk. Vols. 1+, 2001+. Promyshl. Bot. ISSN 1728-6204 HI 84590 |
Promyshl. Bot. |
New journal of botany. London. Vol. 1(1)+, 2011+. New J. Bot. Preceded by: Watsonia. ISSN 2042-3489 HI 84556 |
New J. Bot. |
Assam forest records. Botany. [Calcutta]. Vols. 1-2, 1934-37. Assam Forest Rec. Bot. HI 84546 |
Assam Forest Rec. Bot. |
Assam forest records; silviculture. [Shillong]. [1934-1937]. Assam Forest Rec. Silvic. HI 84547 |
Assam Forest Rec. Silvic. |
Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae. Brno. Vol. 82+, 1997+. Acta Mus. Morav. Sci. Biol. Preceded by: Časopis Moravského Musea v Brně. Vědy přírodni. Brno. ISSN 1211-8788 HI 84548 |
Acta Mus. Morav. Sci. Biol. |
Journal of spices and aromatic crops. Calicut. Vol. 1+, 1992+. J. Spices Aromat. Crops. ISSN 0971-3328 HI 84562 |
J. Spices Aromat. Crops. |
McAllen International Orchid Society journal. Victoria, TX. Vol. 1+, 2000+. McAllen Int. Orchid Soc. J. ISSN 1934-4880 HI 84550 |
McAllen Int. Orchid Soc. J. |
Palaeontologia Cathayana; an English journal of palaeontology and stratigraphy. Beijing. Vol. 1-6, 1983-1995. Palaeontol. Cathayana. HI 84565 |
Palaeontol. Cathayana. |
Revista española de micropaleontología. Madrid. Vols. 1-44, 1969-2012. Rev. Esp. Micropaleontol. ISSN 0556-655X HI 84591 |
Rev. Esp. Micropaleontol. |
Special papers in palaeontology. London. Vols. 1+, 1967+. Special Pap. Palaenontol. ISSN 0038-6804 HI 84592 |
Special Pap. Palaenontol. |
Palaeoworld; [Online journal]. Vols. 1+, 1991+. Palaeoworld. ISSN: 1875-5887 (Print) ISSN: 1871-174X (Online) HI 84549 |
Palaeoworld |
Facies; international journal of paleontology sedimentology and geology. Berlin. Vols. 1+, 1979+. Facies. ISSN 0172-9179 (Print) 1612-4820 (Online) HI 84559 |
Facies. |
International journal of bioinformatics research [online electronic journal]. Vols. 1+, 2009+. Int. J. Bioinf. Res. ISSN 0975-9115 HI 84557 |
Int. J. Bioinf. Res. |