A H B A S newsletter; Allegheny Highlands Botanical Art Society. Pittsburgh, PA. Vol. 1+, 2001+. A. H. B. A. S. Newslett. HI 82794 |
A. H. B. A. S. Newslett. |
A H C news; news bulletin of the American Horticultural Council. Ithaca, NY. Nos. 1–30, 1953–59. A. H. C. News. Preceded by: American Horticultural Council news letter. Ithaca, NY. HI 60850 |
A. H. C. News. |
A H S gardeners’ forum; American Horticultural Society. Washington, DC. Vols. 1–2, 1958–59. A. H. S. Gard. Forum. Superseded by: American Horticultural Society Gardeners’ Forum. HI 60851 |
A. H. S. Gard. Forum. |
A H T A newsletter; American Horticultural Therapy Association. Gaithersburg, MD. Vols. 14–16(7), 1987–89. A. H. T. A. Newslett. Preceded by: N C T R H newsletter. Alexandria, VA, Gaithersburg, MD. Superseded by: People plant connection. Gaithersburg, MD. HI 60852 |
A. H. T. A. Newslett. |
A Herman Ottó Múzeum évkönyve. Miskolc. Vol. 1+, 1957+. Herman Ottó Múz. Évk. HI 54648 |
Herman Ottó Múz. Évk. |
A Hunyadmegyei történelmi és régésezeti társulat évkönyve. Vajdahunyad. Vols. 1–23, 1890–1920. Hunyadmegyei Tört. Régész. Társ. Évk. Superseded by: Publicaţiile Muzeului Judatului Hunedoara. Hunedoara. HI 54761 |
Hunyadmegyei Tört. Régész. Társ. Évk. |
A I A newsletter; Alberta Institute of Agrostologists. Edmonton, Alta. 1947+. A. I. A. Newslett. HI 60853 |
A. I. A. Newslett. |
A I B D A boletín especial; Associación Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Agrícolas. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Vol. 1+, 1966+. A. I. B. D. A. Bol. Espec. HI 60854 |
A. I. B. D. A. Bol. Espec. |
A I B S bulletin; American Institute of Biological Sciences. Washington, DC. Vols. 1–13, 1951–63. A. I. B. S. Bull. Superseded by: BioScience. Washington, DC. ULS 1-4-2. HI 60855 |
A. I. B. S. Bull. |
A I B S education review; American Institute of Biological Sciences. Arlington, VA. Vol. 1+, 1972+. A. I. B. S. Educ. Rev. HI 60856 |
A. I. B. S. Educ. Rev. |
A I B S forum; an exchange of information on biology in the public interest (American Institute of Biological Sciences). Arlington, VA. Vols. 1–2?, 1978–79? A. I. B. S. Forum. HI 60857 |
A. I. B. S. Forum. |
A I B S news; American Institute of Biological Sciences. Washington, DC. Vol. 1+, 1972+. A. I. B. S. News. Preceded by: C U E B S news. Washington, DC. HI 60858 |
A. I. B. S. News. |
A I B S newsletter; American Institute of Biological Sciences. Washington, DC. Vols. 1–3(2), 1949–50; 1967+ [first number lacks volumation and date]. A. I. B. S. Newslett. For 1951–63, see: A I B S bulletin. HI 60859 |
A. I. B. S. Newslett. |
A I C E survey of U S S R air pollution literature; American Institute of Crop Ecology. Silver Spring, MD. Vols. 1–21, 1969–73. A. I. C. E. Surv. U.S.S.R. Pollut. Lit. HI 60863 |
A. I. C. E. Surv. U.S.S.R. Pollut. Lit. |
A I C newsletter; Agricultural Institute of Canada. Ottawa, Ont. [Vols. and dates not ascertained.] A. I. C. Newslett. HI 60861 |
A. I. C. Newslett. |
A I C review; Agricultural Institute of Canada. Ottawa, Ont. Vols. 24(3)–26, 1969–71. A. I. C. Rev. Preceded by: Agricultural Institute review. Ottawa, Ont. Superseded by: Agrologist. Ottawa, Ont. HI 60862 |
A. I. C. Rev. |
A I H P notes; American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. Madison, WI. 1955–57. A. I. H. P. Notes. Superseded by: Pharmacy in history. Madison, WI. HI 60864 |
A. I. H. P. Notes. |
A I N newsletter; Association of Interpretive Naturalists. East Lansing, MI. 1961+. A. I. N. Newslett. HI 60865 |
A. I. N. Newslett. |
A Janus Pannonius Múzeum évkönyve. Pécs. 1956+. Janus Pannon. Múz. Évk. HI 55558 |
Janus Pannon. Múz. Évk. |
A Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts. London. Vols. 1–5, 1797–1801; [n.s.,] vols. 1–36, 1802–13. J. Nat. Philos. Superseded by: Philosophical magazine and journal. London. ULS 3-2228-1. HI 55227 |
J. Nat. Philos. |
A Kert. Budapest. Vols. 1–25, 1895–1919. Kert. HI 55627 |
Kert. |
A Kertészeti Kutató Intézet évkönyve. Budapest. Vols. 1–4, 1950–60. Kert. Kutató Intéz. Évk. HI 55631 |
Kert. Kutató Intéz. Évk. |
A Lavoura; boletim, Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Vols. 1–66, 1900–63 [publication suspended 1931–32]. Lavoura. ULS 3-2365-2. HI 55824 |
Lavoura. |
A M A archives of dermatology and syphilology. New York, NY, Chicago, IL. Vols. 62(4)–70, 1950–54. A. M. A. Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. Preceded by: Archives of dermatology and syphilology. Chicago, IL. Superseded by: A M A archives of dermatology. Chicago, IL. ULS 1-459-2. HI 82793 |
A.M.A. Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. |
A M A archives of dermatology. New York, NY, Chicago, IL. Vols. 71–81, 1955–60. A. M. A. Arch. Dermatol. Preceded by: A M A archives of dermatology and syphilology. Chicago, IL. Superseded by: Archives of dermatology. Chicago, IL. ULS 1-459-2. HI 82792 |
A.M.A. Arch. Dermatol. |