This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas.. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 41 (opposite p. 744).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 68 (opposite p. 798).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 67 (opposite p. 796).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 65 (opposite p. 792).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 2 (opposite p. 666).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 28 (opposite p. 718).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 62 (opposite p. 786).
''Cosmarium inaequalipellicum, C. magdalenense, C. Sexnotatum, C. santamartense [3 images], C. Decedens, C. elegantissimum var. attenuatum, C. Caelatum, C. Caelatum var. truncatum, C. subspeciosum near var. validum, Cosmarium sp., Clastidium setigerum''
''Roya obtusa var. montana (?), Netrium oblongum var. clindricum, N. digitus [2 images], Cylindrocystis brebissonii var. minor, C. brebissonii [2 images], C. diplospora, C. americana, C. crassa, Pleurotaenium minutum, P. minutum var. elongatum, P. minutum var. gracile, Cosmarium cucurbitinum (f.?), C. cucurbitinum, Penium cruciferum, P. polymorphum, Closterium libellula var. intermedium, C. didymotocum, C. acerosum, C. tumidum var. nylandicum f. macrosporum [2 images], C. acerosum var. elongatum, C. pritchardianum, Spirotaenia condensata''
''Closterium costatum var. westii, Pleurotaenium tridentulum, P. ehrenbergii, P. tridentulum var. fernaldii, P. coronatum var. nodulosum [2 images], Docidium undulatum, Cosmarium subreinschii var. ocellatum, C. trilobulatum var. majus [2 images], C. malmei var. condensatum, C. impressulum, C. nymannianum, C. rectangulare, C. meneghinii var. nanum (?), C. subcrenatum var. sublaeve, C pyramidatum, C. annulatum var. elegans, C. impressulum f. tholiforme, C. impressulum f. suborthogonum (?)''
''Triploceras verticillatum, T. gracile, T. gracile var. bispinatum, T. verticillatum, Pleurotaenium rectum, P. rectum var. rectissimum, Closterium strigosum, Penium spirostriolatum, Gonatozygon kinahani var. majus, G. aculeatum, Hyalotheca sp. ?, H. dissiliens, H. mucosa''
''Closterium tumidum f. minus, C. venus, C. dianae var., C. parvulum, C. pseudodianae, C. subulatum, C. gracile, C. cornu, C. abruptum, C. archerianum (?), C. setaceum, C. rostratum var. brevirostratum, C. eborascense, C. sp. ?, C. moniliferum, C. gracile var. tenue, Roya obtusa var montana''
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 45 (opposite p. 752).
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 50 (opposite p. 762).
''Cosmarium ralfsii var. montana, C. galeritum, C. lundellii var. ellipticum f. minus, C. connatum, C. alpestre, C. pachydermum, C. pseudonitidulum var. validum, C. tuddalense [2 images], C. anceps''
''Cosmarium contractum var. ellipsoideum, C. moniliforme, C. subtumidum, C. scenedesmus var. dorsitruncatum (?), C. contractum, C. punctulatum (var. ?), C. pseudopyramidatum var. lentiferum, C. tinctum, C. tumidum f., C. refringens, C. subcucumis, C. plicatum, C. quadratum, C. viride, C. pyramidatum, C. pyramidatum (f. ?), C. capense f., C phaselos f. minus, C. depressum''
''Cosmarium granatum, C. holmiense var. integrum [2 images], C. impressulum, C. holmiense, C. Cucurbita, C. laeve var. septentrionale f., C. laeve, C. pygmaeum, C. tenue, C. subcapitulum f. minus, C. undulatum var. wollei, C. trilobulatum var. majus, C. granatum var. elongatum, C. laeve, C. laeve var. septentrionale, C. rectangulare var. hexagonum, C. pokornyanum, C. undulatum var. minutum, C. undulatum var. minutum, f., C. venustum, f., C. venustum f. minus, C. pseudopyramidatum, C. pseudoprotuberans, f, C. capitululm var. groenlandicum, C. capitulum, C. humile var. striatum [2 images], C. humile var. lacustre, C. bioculatum, f., C. hammeri var. homalodermum, C. anceps f. crispulum (?), C. cymatopleuron''
''Cosmarium botrylis var. paxillosporum, C. superbum, C. excavatum var. duplo-majus, C. botrylis var. tumidum, C. margaritatum f. minus, C. botrytis, C. botrytis var. mediolaeve, C. margaritatum var. ridibundum, C. botrytis var. gemmiferum, C. gayanum var. eborascense, C. tetraophthalmum, C. tetraophythalmum var. pyramidatum [2 images]''
''Cosmarium amoenum, C.norvegicum, f., C. norvegicum, C. portianum, C. orthostichum, C. subprotumidum, f., C. subcrenatum, C. subprotumidum, C. nasutum [2 images], C. nasutum var. asperum f., C. boeckii, C. subprotumidum, C. punctulatum var. subpunctulatum, C. sphalerostichum, C. subspeciosum f., C. sportella var. subnudum, C. punctulatum (var. ?), C. caelatum, C. binum, C. logiense, C. ochtodes var., C. speciosum var. simplex, C. speciosum, C. speciosum var. biforme, C. formulosum var. nathorstii''
''Euastrum bidentatum, E. denticulatum, Cosmarium repandum var. dorsipunctum, C. tetragonum, var., Staurastrum breviaculeatum, S. forficulatum var. Kerrii, S. spongiosum var perbifidum, S. columbianum, S. senarium''
''Cosmarium quadrifarium, C. margaritatum, C. praegrande, C. furcatospermum, C. difficile, f. [2 images], C. pseudoconnatum, C. viride, C. ochtodes var. amoebum, C. novae-terrae, C. impressulum, C. subcostatum, Xanthidium armatum var. cervicorne, X. armatum var. fissum''
This image is in the public domain and can be downloaded from the SEPARATE PUBLIC DOMAIN DATABASE [once photographed] When using it, please include the following credit statement: Courtesy of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., on indefinite loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
for Taylor, Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1967. Pl. 59 (opposite p. 780).